Painting Live on Indy Now
This past week, my good friend Justin Vining, an incredible artist and gallery owner of Vining Gallery, and I arrived at Indy Now TV to talk about my recent exhibit. The staff was so helpful and SO FUN! We had a blast!
When I say we had a blast…Picture this scene as we waited in the wings to go on stage: a bbq business sets up a spectacular array of wings, ribs, sides, and ice-cold Moscow mules on one table, several women who own a boutique store unpack boxes of jewelry, purses, and other fun items and arrange them on another table, a man who owns a wine business arranges bottles on yet another table, and finally (and this wasn’t even all of it - but it’s all I can remember!) two women who own a hotdog stand prepare their table to go on stage as well.
All local. All small business owners given an opportunity to talk about their business in such a fun way during this daily 10 am hour segment. It was incredible. And if that wasn’t incredible enough, the hosts Jillian Deam and Ryan Ahlwardt made every guest feel so special and welcome, kept everyone laughing and having the best time. I guarantee it was the highlight of every guest’s day to be there.
On cue, Justin and I went on stage, he helped me set up and I started painting right away. I didn’t know what I would paint, but I knew it would be fun to figure it out along the way! And I knew I had to paint fast - I would be on stage during the entirety of the hour as various venders came in and out for their 3 minute segments, and I would need to finish the painting before the hour was up.
Jillian and Ryan introduced Justin and myself at the beginning for our first check in:
Check in #1
Justin and I introduced ourselves and the upcoming show, which was the following night, May 13th, 2022. Jillian and Ryan were awesome. Their energy was contagious!
Before I knew it, 15 minutes had passed and it was time for the second check in! This time, it was just me on stage with Jillian and Ryan:
Check in #2
The painting was almost done at this point! Basic shapes were set, and the first layers for the flowers in the foreground have been painted.
Soon after, Jillian and Ryan came on stage for the third and final check in to see the completed painting!
Check in #3
Here is the finished painting!
And here it is framed on the gallery wall the next day for the show opening at Vining Gallery.

Have a wonderful week full of all the magical moments life has to offer - don’t miss them!